About Us

A Glimpse into Tao Mgt

Tao Process

We bring a tao approach to all we do. Balance, patience, harmony is the key to success. Being thankful for our shortcomings. Honoring those who see theirselves as competitors. We are in business to serve families and communities and remind our staff of that every day. We see all of life as work, yet we see all of live as play. We blend the tangible with the intangible and meditate as much as we act.

Open Workflow

Our management practice embraces an open environment. We document our rules and procedures and then share them with other companies. We consult with leaders to share what has worked best for us and what we avoid based on our own research and experience. We also follow the teachings of ancient wisdom and share those resources with everyone who desires whether they see TaoMGT as a company or a way of life.

Consult for a Reason.

Yes, we build companies, products, and provide services. At a deeper level, we recognize the dharma that brings us together. We allow our staff to choose the direction they feel their spirit needs to learn. If this slows down workflow, it is not our mission to get in the way of the spirit. We honor the reasons we may flow in and out of each others lives and how our teams have a personality of their own. There is a divine mission and we are listeners as much as leaders.


Chief Operating Officer Zain Raza

We represent over a dozen nations with staff across Asia, USA, Central America, Eastern Europe, and Russia while still growing rapidly.

Pictured is Tao Mgt Chief Operating Office, Zain Raza. He leads all teams in Agile Methodology and oversees our deployment of Project ORBIT™ with our partners. Mr. Raza has been on our team over a decade and has grown our management team internationally while continuing to innovate our business strategies. He holds international licenses in multiple fields and brings logistics and compliance in his operations.

The rest of our team is ever-changing and evolving through our S.W.A.R.M. Intelligence™ system which relies on guerilla-style business incubation techniques for fast adoption in a startup culture. If interested in joining our community, check out our Non-Profit partner, Tao Learning.
